15 Bizarre Things the Ultra-Wealthy Do That Normal People Never Consider

Bizarre Things the Ultra-Wealthy Do
Wealth Gang / Philip Thurston/istockphoto / Dimensions/istockphoto

The ultra-wealthy live in a world where convenience, luxury, and extravagance go beyond what most people could ever imagine. From hiring personal staff to fulfill even the smallest of tasks to spending outrageous amounts on exclusive memberships and private experiences, their lifestyle is filled with things that regular people could only dream of.

Whether it’s building custom amenities that are rarely used or maintaining lavish vacation homes, here are 15 things the ultra-rich do that most normal people would never have the financial freedom to even consider.

1. Hire Someone To Keep Their Cars Fueled and Washed at All Times

Rolls Royce

Many ultra-wealthy individuals don’t bother with filling up their gas tanks or washing their cars — they hire staff specifically for this purpose. “Years ago, I read an article about someone whose business was keeping ultra-rich people’s cars ready to go — as in if you have a Ferrari in multiple cities they’d keep it fueled up, oil-changed, etc,” writes one Redditor, adding, “[They’d even] drive it around the block once a week or so, and have it waiting at the airport when the owner flies into town.”

2. Maintain Separate Wardrobes in Vacation Homes


The rich often avoid the hassle of packing for trips by keeping full wardrobes in their vacation homes. This means they can travel with just a carry-on, knowing they have everything they need already waiting for them. It’s a display of wealth that most people wouldn’t consider necessary. “Their vacation homes are stocked with regionally-appropriate attire,” writes one Redditor. “Mountain clothes, beach clothes, etc.” Must be nice to own multiple sets of … everything.

3. Keep Pools Heated All Year


Some of the world’s richest folks keep their pools heated year-round, regardless of local water restrictions due to droughts and other environmental crises. It’s an extreme luxury that underscores their disregard for cost or consequences. “Yup, their pools are heated 24/7, 365 [days a year] for homes in multiple countries,” writes one user, adding, “It takes longer than the time for a flight from one country to the next to heat the pool. So yeah, needs to always be on and heated.”

“Also, we are talking about homes they in total visit less than 50 days a year, and leave for over 6 months,” adds the user. Say, how does someone land a house-sitting gig? Asking for a friend.

4. Spend $40K on a Golf Club Membership


Exclusive country clubs with enormous fees are a playground for the rich, and memberships can run into the hundreds of thousands. For them, joining a club isn’t just about access to facilities but also about status and networking. “I know of one neighborhood where membership runs $400k+ and there’s a wait list of people wanting to join,” writes one Redditor who works as a luxury home photographer. There’s also no guarantee you’ll be selected even after paying, adds another user.

5. Hire a Private Tutor To Sail Around the World With Their Kids


Many wealthy yacht owners keep their vessels fully crewed and ready to set sail at a moment’s notice. The cost of paying a full-time crew for a yacht they might only use a few times a year (or a lot) is not an issue. “Knew someone who took a year off from his normal teaching gig because some ultra-wealthy guy wanted to yacht around the world with his kids, so he wanted private tutors,” writes one Redditor. “The guy brought his kids along and basically had a schoolroom on a super-yacht.”

6. Donate Most of Their Wardrobe Just To Replace It

Grosescu Alberto Mihai/istockphoto

Some ultra-wealthy folks donate nearly their entire wardrobe every year just to “drop $20k+” on brand new clothes for the upcoming season, writes one user who “dated a girl from a super rich family.” This practice, which stems from their desire to always own the latest fashion, means they’re fine with discarding perfectly good clothes just because they’re considered “last season.” While many people wear their clothes until they wear out, the ultra-rich can afford these shopping sprees.

7. Legally Drive Around Without a License Plate

Svetlana Ikriannikova/istockphoto

Some high-profile billionaires, like Steve Jobs, went to extreme lengths to maintain privacy and convenience, notes one user. After deciding “he didn’t like having a license plate because he could be identified by it and it kept getting stolen,” Jobs “called up the Mercedes dealer and made a deal with them.” In California, it was legal to drive a new car for 30 days without a plate, so the Apple founder arranged for a Mercedes-Benz dealership to provide him with a new, identical car every month. Sheesh!

8. Rent Out Entire Islands for Vacation Privacy

Philip Thurston/istockphoto

While many vacation-goers have to settle for hotels or Airbnbs, the ultra-wealthy have the means to rent out (or even buy) entire vacation islands. “We had a guy ask us to call his Caribbean destination island airport and ask if they could ensure that his flight was not ‘randomly selected’ for a COVID test as he didn’t have time to complete the quarantine if he had been positive,” writes one user who worked as a “private jet charter broker” during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“He didn’t care whether he had the virus, just that getting caught with it might f-up his travel plans,” adds the user. The level of entitlement is truly mind-boggling. But I guess when you’re that rich, you can just pay to have all your problems go away.

9. Buy a House for Their Kid in College

Portrait of young woman in her new apartment

Some ultra-wealthy parents purchase homes for their kids to live in during their college years rather than paying for traditional housing or dorms, notes one user. Once the kid graduates, the parents often sell the property — and, in some cases, the profits from the sale cover the cost of tuition and other expenses. “I was a realtor for this,” writes another user. “They would also have rent-paying roommates during their college years. Sell the house and pay back all the housing and a lot of the tuition costs.”

10. Buy Out an Entire Restaurant and Not Show Up

Esin Tellioglu/istockphoto

Going to great lengths to ensure full exclusivity and convenience, even if they don’t end up using it, is another expense the ultra-rich don’t mind splurging on. Case in point: A family that paid “$50,000 per meal service” to reserve an entire restaurant for several days during their vacation, just in case they wanted to “drop in” without waiting. Over three days, they spent $300,000 but never showed up writes the user who worked as a chef. “They went to our sister restaurant [instead].”

11. Buy or Rent a Home During Construction of an Even Bigger One


Some ultra-wealthy folks purchase a smaller multimillion-dollar home near the construction of their primary, larger mansion, notes one Redditor. This temporary residence serves as a base, allowing them to oversee the project without having to travel or commute to it.

“One of Canada’s richest couples built a MONSTER home in Toronto’s Rosedale neighborhood,” writes another user. “While it was under construction, they rented an apartment nearby for $60k a month. Apparently they were hardly ever there.” You know, just your run-of-the-mill rich people things.

12. Drop $200K on One Night of Bottle Service

Marko NOVKOV/istockphoto

In places like Miami, the ultra-wealthy take bottle service to a whole new level, notes one user who works in the hospitality industry. It’s not uncommon for them to drop “$2,000 for a bottle of Grey Goose with mixers,” then spend several thousand more on luxury Champagnes like Ace of Spades or Cristal, writes the user. Some will even charge “$200,000 on their black cards” for just one night of drinking, making this extreme indulgence a normal part of their nightlife experience.

13. Buying a Quarry to Ensure Matching Stone for Their Home


For some of the world’s richest, even the slightest variation in home decor is unacceptable. Some will go as far as “buying a quarry so they can guarantee all of the stone in their home is the same,” notes one user. This allows them complete control over the supply to ensure that every tile, countertop, and slab in their home matches perfectly. Something else the ultra-rich can afford? “Hiring a stylist to curate new designer furniture for their house when it needs a refresh,” writes another user.

14. Hiring Assistants for the Most Mundane Tasks

Personal assistant
Female businessman use a smartphone and take notes in the notebook at the office desk in the morning.
Thicha Satapitanon/istockphoto

The ultra-wealthy often delegate even the most specific and extravagant tasks to personal assistants, notes another Redditor. “I know a rich person who hired a personal assistant to find a land to purchase: ‘Here are the criteria… forested land by the sea, cliffs, quiet area but with cell reception and make it so that it isn’t an area with lots of boat traffic so I can take my bath while looking out at sea’.”

But it gets even more outrageous. “My friend paid the fee to be able to have a personal escort for his family at Disney World that walks your group to the front of all the lines. I think it was like $7,500 a day,” notes another user.

15. Order Personal Jets Like Taxis

Private jet

Instead of dealing with commercial airlines, the ultra-rich often use private jets at a moment’s notice. For them, flying private means convenience, luxury, privacy — and is often viewed as essential rather than indulgent. “Once you’ve ponied up first class for parents, kids, and nannies, you’re close enough to the cost of a smaller charter,” writes another Redditor.

They add, “You pick your own travel times, skip the airport security mess, don’t have to wait in airport lounges, and can usually have your limousine drive up to the jet to drop/pick up your luggage.” *Sighs in economy class*