15 Ignorant Things Rich People Say About Poor People

Ignorant Things Rich People Say About Poor People
Wealth Gang / Azovsky/istockphoto / alfexe/istockphoto

When it comes to understanding poverty, the ultra-wealthy often make remarks that reveal a deep disconnect from the everyday struggles of the less fortunate. Statements like “Borrow money from your parents” and “Why don’t you just buy a new one” reflect an insane lack of awareness about the financial hardships that many people face.

By examining common things the rich say about the poor, it becomes clear just how out of touch they can be with the realities of economic inequality. Here are 15 ignorant and outlandish things rich people say about those less privileged than them.

1. They’re Poor Because They Don’t Work Hard

Focus on young man sitting on sofa in the apartment with a laptop on his knees showing off irritation.

This statement, which oversimplifies the complexity of poverty, ignores the long hours and arduous work conditions that many low-wage workers have to put up with just to make a lousy living. It also dismisses the systemic barriers that prevent upward mobility, such as access to education and healthcare. Hard work alone does not guarantee success when basic opportunities are out of reach. As one Redditor notes, “Who weeds and harvests crops in 100+ temperatures? Millionaires?” Definitely not.

2. Can’t Afford College? Borrow Money From Your Parents


This phrase the rich like to toss around ignores the skyrocketing costs of higher education, student debt, and other barriers poor people face when trying to attend college. Not everyone has the financial or social support to pursue higher education, and the assumption that college is an easy, accessible option for everyone is just plain ignorant. As another Redditor points out, rich people really think everyone can just ask their parents for help in starting a business or covering other expenses.

3. They Should Just Save More

Different dollar bills in a pile as background

Saving is rarely an option for those living paycheck to paycheck. This statement overlooks the fact that many people simply don’t earn enough to cover basic expenses, let alone save. One Redditor who married into a rich family said his wife would routinely say things like, “If they live in a bad neighborhood, why don’t they just buy a house somewhere else?” Like, lady, they can’t!

4. Why Don’t You Just Buy a New One?


One Redditor who worked as an administrative assistant for $1,300 a month shared how she had to fill her leaky tire up every day because she couldn’t afford a replacement. When her boss asked why she didn’t “just buy a new tire,” the user said, “Maybe because I can’t afford it. I know you can, since my monthly salary is the same as your monthly Porsche lease… but I can’t!” This is just another instance when the rich assume everyone has disposable income, even when they know how much you make.

5. They Choose To Be Poor

Suriyawut Suriya/istockphoto

This cruel assumption ignores the fact that poverty is largely a result of systemic failures, not personal choices. Many people are born into situations that make escaping poverty incredibly difficult, regardless of effort. It also suggests that poverty is a lifestyle preference rather than a lack of access to opportunities like employment and education. As one Redditor notes, “Poor people are poor because of circumstance, not by choice or laziness.” Hard agree.

6. Only Poor People Eat Leftovers


According to another user, they once “knew someone who refused to eat leftovers because ‘only poor people eat leftovers’.” Yikes. Not only does this reflect the arrogance and wastefulness that can come with wealth, it also shows a lack of understanding and appreciation for a warm meal. Plus, it highlights how ignorant rich people can be about the practical habits many people must adopt to make ends meet. “That’s why I don’t talk to her anymore, among other reasons,” adds the user.

7. I Am Not Concerned About the Very Poor. We Have a Safety Net There


This quote, infamously said by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012, reflects a misguided belief that government programs are sufficient to address poverty. It also downplays the struggles of the very poor by assuming that safety nets are foolproof and accessible to all who need them. In reality, many people fall through the cracks of these systems, and this kind of statement demonstrates a lack of concern for those who remain vulnerable despite assistance or aid programs.

8. The Poor Are Addicted to Welfare


“I have heard comments from wealthy folks (well, more accurately, my mom) bemoaning the ‘welfare state’ in America, and how poor people are disincentivized to work harder because of all that free money from welfare and unemployment,” writes one Redditor. This line of thinking stigmatizes government assistance, like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and fails to recognize how essential these programs are for those who need it most. Welfare is often a temporary lifeline, not a lifestyle, and many recipients use it to get back on their feet.

9. Poor People Are Just Bad With Money

This ignorant statement dismisses the realities of living in poverty, where people often have to make impossible choices such as either feeding their children or paying rent. It perpetuates the myth that poverty results from irresponsible spending rather than economic conditions like rising inflation or stagnant wages. It also blames struggling people for circumstances beyond their control. Meanwhile, many living on minimum wage are forced to choose between basic essentials like food or healthcare.

10. Your Parents Must Be Awful if They Can’t Pay Your Tuition or Rent

For Rent Real Estate Sign In Front of a Row of Apartment

According to one Redditor, they once “had someone tell me my parents must be awful since they can’t pay my tuition or my rent.” These types of comments not only reflect ignorance but also an entitled and judgmental view of financial support. Assuming that parents who can’t pay for their child’s housing are somehow neglectful overlooks the realities of working-class families, who often juggle multiple jobs just to put food on the table. It’s also an insult to hardworking parents just trying to do their best.

“I really don’t care if you have a trust fund or are poor. But don’t insult my parents, you have no idea. My parents would do anything they could for me,” adds the Redditor.

11. Why Don’t They Just Invest Their Money?


Investing requires large amounts of disposable funds, which many poor people simply don’t have. This comment assumes a level of financial flexibility and literacy that is out of reach for those struggling to make ends meet. Budgeting skills alone don’t solve the problem of low wages or skyrocketing living costs.

12. Why Don’t Your Parents Just Get a Better Job?


Growing up in environments where wealth is the norm can lead to insensitive remarks from those who don’t understand the financial struggles of others. For those from less affluent backgrounds, this is a common occurrence. “My parents didn’t have a lot of money, so I wasn’t able to go on the field trips and things of that nature,” writes one user who went to a private school on a scholarship. “I would always hear things to the extent of ‘why don’t your parents just get a better job?'” Nepo babies, smh.

13. Maybe They Shouldn’t Have Made Bad Life Choices

Jay Yuno/istockphoto

This statement blames individuals for being poor while ignoring systemic issues like the lack of affordable housing, healthcare, or a livable wage. Everyone makes mistakes, but for the poor, even a small misstep can lead to financial disaster. On the other hand, the wealthy often have savings or a safety net that the poor simply don’t have access to. As one Redditor points out, “It’s difficult to get a job when you don’t have access to housing, sanitation, or a reliable way to get to work.”

14. They Should Just Get a Job Instead of Relying on a Handout


This line ignores the fact that many people rely on government assistance because the current minimum wage is not a living wage. Despite the fact that “handouts” are vital for survival when wages don’t meet the cost of living, the wealthy frequently overlook how deeply flawed and unequal the economic system is that forces people to seek help. “Seriously, you’re a [bleeping bleep] if you go around saying that,” says one Redditor. We have to agree — don’t kick people while they’re down!

15. I Thought Homeless People Only Existed in Fairy Tales

Ekkasit Jokthong/istockphoto

You can’t make this stuff up! According to one user who “went to a rather uppity high school full of snobby rich kids,” they once overheard a student going off about “seeing a homeless guy at a local Starbucks.” The student said she had “never seen a homeless person before” and thought they only “existed in fairy tales.” We don’t know whether to laugh or cry. “People at my school were very ignorant,” adds the user. Why, you don’t say.