9 Best Books About Personal Finance And Business To Read In 2021

There is no time like the present to get your finances in order or learn more about business and investing. We are living in the age of unlimited information and possibility and with a little know how you can achieve anything. So with that, we have pulled together a list of our favorite business books as well as some of the best personal finance books that we’ve read over the last year. Because, you know, we like to share any knowledge we’ve gained with you.
Personal Finance Books
1. The Broke Millennial, by Erin Lowry
Of course we have to kick off the list with this. Money management isn’t taught in college. It should be, but so many 20 and 20-somethings are sent off into the world with no idea about how to handle their finances. This book will help you gain a better understand of personal finance and it will do it in the easiest possible way to digest.
2. Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All the Money You Will Ever Need by Grant Sabatier
Grant Sabatier doesn’t just write books about achieving financial freedom at a young age, he lived it. Sabatier wasn’t always a millionaire and he didn’t come from wealth. In fact, his story is actually really inspiring because he went from having $2.26 in the bank to a millionaire in five years! What was his secret? A lot of side-hustles and proper investment strategies. In his best selling book, Sabatier teaches you the lessons he’s learned and how you can apply his knowledge to take your finances from zero to hero.
3. Why didn’t they teach me this in School? by Cary Siegel
Author Cary Siegel walks through 99 personal money management principles to incorporate in your life, helping readers ‘manage their money so it doesn’t manage them’. JG Wentworth is shaking in its boots.
4. Adulting 101: #Wisdom4Life, by Pete Hardesty
Some books go beyond personal finance. This is one of them. After reading Adulting 101: #Wisdom4Life you will go from a broke, rundown, nothing-burger-of-a-human-being to a well-adjusted adult. From finding a job to money management to buying auto insurance, Pete Hardesty has you covered. We have to warn you, a possibly result of reading this book is your parents finally respecting you. Kidding!
Business Books
5. Whatever Works: The Small Cues That Make a Surprising Difference in Our Success at Work—and How to Create a Happier Office, by Thalma Lobel
Are you dissatisfied after a long day of not maximizing your potential? Thousands of readers simultaneously scream ‘yes’ at their computers. This book will dive behind the obvious aspects of your job, like title and salary, and look at the smaller details from a psychological perspective that may help you be happier and more satisfied during your 9-5 and after clocking out for the day.
6. The New Chardonnay: The Unlikely Story of How Marijuana Went Mainstream, by Heather Cabot
Remember in college when you discretely tried growing weed plants in the closet of the frat house common room? Yeah, times have changed. This book discusses how marijuana went from a once frowned upon drug to a multi-million dollar legitimate industry.
7. Black Edge: Inside Information, Dirty Money, and the Quest to Bring down the most wanted man on Wall Street, by Sheelah Kolhatkar
The book depicts one of Wall Street’s most infamous traders, Steven Cohen, throughout his come-up and the investigations into his ALLEGED insider trading activities with SAC Capital. Weird how he managed to rake in annual returns of 30% or more consistently for two decades and yet the Mets still didn’t want him as an owner.
8. Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction, by David Enrich.
Two topics that people have very strong opinions on, Deutsche Bank and The Donald. The book dives into business deals done between our 45th President and Deutsche.
9. Wait, I’m the Boss?!? The Essential Guide for New Managers to Succeed from Day One, by Peter Economy
With a name like that, clearly Peter should be next in line after Jerome Powell for Chairman of the Fed. This book dives into how to lead organizational change, inspire others, and hire great employees. If all that sounds exhausting to you, just know you;’re not alone.