‘There’s A Much Bigger Trend That Nobody’s Paying Attention To’: Gary Vaynerchuk Weighs In On Quiet Quitting, Reveals Best Side Hustle For Young People

Gary Vaynerchuk reveals best side hustle for young people, weighs in on quiet quitting trend.

Entrepreneur, motivational speaker, author, and internet personality Gary Vaynerchuk has no shortage of opinions on how to create wealth. However, there is one side hustle that he believes is the best opportunity for young people. Gary Vee also recently weighed in on the quiet quitting trend.

Investopedia defines quiet quitting as: “Doing the minimum requirements of one’s job and putting in no more time, effort, or enthusiasm than absolutely necessary. As such, it is something of a misnomer, since the worker doesn’t actually leave their position and continues to collect a salary.”

Gary Vaynerchuk – who has a net worth of $200 million – talked about the quiet quitting trend in a TikTok video last month.

Vaynerchuk was asked about the quiet quitting trend, but pivoted to what he regarded as a “much bigger trend that nobody’s paying attention to.”

“There’s a much bigger trend that nobody’s paying attention to, which is the ‘never applying in the first place’ trend,” Vaynerchuk said during a recent Q&A.

“If you talk to the average 16 to 22-year-old, they are uncomfortably aware that making $50,000 a year, $70,000 A year, selling stuff on Facebook Marketplace or eBay, or making Google AdWords, doing small brand deals on TikTok; companies are gonna have a tough time getting people in for under 100k when there’s so many goddamn options for these kids to make money on the internet,” Vaynerchuk explained.

“These kids are not growing up with the world we grew up with,” he added. “We s*** on Gen Z for being entitled and lazy – and what they’re being is thoughtfully understanding of their options.”

“So I believe you have to provide extra value,” Vaynerchuk said of companies looking to hire young talent.

Vaynerchuk said companies will need to “come up with concepts that enable these youngsters to make a bet worth taking because the alternative is more interesting.”


Stop 💩-ing on “them” and start understanding “why” … this is important and has other implications ❤️

♬ original sound – GaryVee -Day Trading Attention

As far as those opportunities for young people, Vaynerchuk has one side hustle that is the best.

Vaynerchuk has gone on record declaring that retail arbitrage flipping is the best side hustle for young people.

Vaynerchuk has claimed that young people should start flipping by hitting up garage sales and selling underpriced items on eBay and Facebook Marketplace. He has also suggested that young entrepreneurs seek out undervalued items at discount retailers such as Walmart, Target, TJ Maxx, and Ross.

“I am watching people literally go from being homeless to building up $50,000 to $100,000,” Vaynerchuk told CNBC in 2019.

Flipping is not a guaranteed revenue stream, especially after you consider shipping costs and intense competition.