How Much Income You Need To Be Considered Rich In Every State In America

It’s not how much you make, it’s how much you keep. Unless, of course, you’re talking about this list of how much income you need to make to be considered rich in every state in America. The list below, broken out alphabetically by state, shows how much money you need to make to be considered in the top 5% in each state. Some states, like West Virginia and Mississippi, required much lower income to be considered a top earner, while states like California and New Jersey require incomes of $250K+ just to crack the upper echelon. There are even a few shockers on this list (like North Dakota!).
Income You Need To Be Considered Rich By State

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Alabamans is $189,695, while the median household income is $51,734.

To join the top 5% of Alaskans you’ll need a minimum annual income of $242,208. The median household income is $75,463.

Minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Arizonans is $220,936, whereas the median household income is $62,055.
To join the top 5% in Arkansas you’ll need an annual income of $176,997. The median household income is $48,952.

Minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Californians? $250,000+. Meanwhile the median household income is $80,440. California is 15.4% more expensive than most other states in America. You better earn a ton if you want to live a nice life in Cali.

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Coloradans is $250,000+. The median household income: $77,127.

To join the top 5% in Connecticut you’ll need to make more than $250,000+. Meanwhile, the median household income is $78,833.

The minimum annual income to be in Delaware’s top 5% is $235,059, meanwhile the median household income is $70,176.

Minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Florida? $226,319. Median household income? $59,227.

Georgia’s minimum annual income to be in the top 5% is $233,979, while the median household income is $61,980.
The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Hawaiian’s is $250,000+. The median household income: $83,102.
Idaho’s minimum annual income to be in the top 5%: $199,218. Median household income? $60,999.

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Illinois households is $199,218, while the median household income is $69,187.

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Hoosiers is $194,407, while the median household income in Indiana is $57,603.

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% if Iowans is $199,328. The median household income is $61,691.

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Kansans is $211,256. Median household income: $62,087.

Kentucky’s minimum annual income to be in the top 5% is $185,241, while its median household income is $52,295.

Minimum annual income to be in the top 5%: $199,417. Median household income: $51,073.

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Maine households is $202,639. The median household income: $58,924.
Minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Maryland households: $250,000+. Meanwhile, the median household income is $86,738.

Massachusetts’ minimum annual income to be in the top 5%: $250,000+. The median household income is $85,843.

Michigan’s minimum annual income to be in the top 5% is $209,099, while its median household income is $59,588.

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Minnesotans is $244,552. The median household income? $74,593.

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Mississippians is $172,337, while the state’s median household income is $45,792. Mississippi requires the second-lowest amount of income to be in the top 5%. They also have a very low cost of living, which is 14% less than the U.S. average.

Missouri’s minimum annual income to be in the top 5%: $201,541. Meanwhile the state’s median household income is $57,409.

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Montanans is $187,867. Meanwhile the median household income is $57,153.
The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Nebraskans is $203,793. The state’s median household income is $63,229.
The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Nevadans is $221,626, while the state’s median household income is $63,276.
New Hampshire

New Hampshire’s minimum annual income to be in the top 5% is more than $250,000, while the state’s median household income is $77,933.
New Jersey

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of New Jerseyans is $250,000+. The median household income: $85,751.
New Mexico

New Mexico’s minimum annual income to be in the top 5%: $192,480. The state’s median household income is $51,945.
New York

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of New Yorkers is more than $250,000, while the state’s median household income is $72,108.
North Carolina

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of North Carolinians is $213,009, while the Tar Heel State’s median household income is $57,341.
North Dakota
North Dakota’s minimum annual income to be in the top 5% is $220,611. The state’s median household income: $64,577.

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Ohioans is $204,940, while the Buckeye State’s median household income is $58,642.

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Oklahomans is $194,523, while the state’s median household income is $54,449.

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Oregonians is $229,747, while the state’s median household income is $67,058.
The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Pennsylvanians is $233,467. The state’s median household income is $63,463.
Rhode Island

Rhode Island’s minimum annual income to be in the top 5%: $235,524. The state’s median household income is $71,169.
South Carolina
Minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of South Carolinians: $204,826. Median household income: $56,227.
South Dakota
The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of South Dakotans is $190,156. Median household income: $59,533.

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Tennesseans is $205,063, while the state’s median household income is $56,071.
The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Texans is $241,212. The Lonestar State’s median household income is $64,034.

Utah’s minimum annual income to be in the top 5%: $235,835. The state’s median household income is $75,780.

Vermont’s minimum annual income to be in the top 5%: $212,823. Meanwhile the state’s median household income is $63,001.

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Virginians is more than $250,000. The state’s median household income: $76,456.
The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Washingtonians: $250,000+. The evergreen state’s median household income is $78,687.
West Virginia

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of West Virginians is $171,816. The state’s median household income is $48,850. West Virginia requires the lowest amount of income to be in the top 5%.

The minimum annual income to be in the top 5% of Wisconsin households is $202,582. The state’s median household income: $64,168.

Wyoming’s minimum annual income to be in the top 5%: $199,944. The state’s median household income: $65,003.