15 Times the Ultra-Wealthy Showed How Disconnected They Really Are

Out-of-touch sayings
Wealth Gang / Atstock Productions/istockphoto / GA161076/istockphoto

Is it just us, or do rich people live in their own bubble, separated from the rest of mankind? In the bubble, the price of groceries isn’t a worry, traveling is a hobby rather than a luxury, and beautiful things just magically appear.

Every once in a while, the wealthy manage to say something totally out of touch. We took to Reddit to find some of the most “Did you really just say that?” things rich folks say.

The Nerve

Gated community in California.

“My boss asked me why I didn’t just buy a house in her neighborhood instead of renting an apartment. The houses there were $300,000-$500,000 (very pricy for my area), and she was paying me $9 per hour … I had literally just applied for food stamps.” –u/Far-Owl1982

Ever Heard of a Clearance Rack?

Fashion store with "50% off" sign on the plate

“A coworker of mine was talking with a parent once (summer camp in a rich town). The parent mentioned how she loved my coworker’s dress, and wanted to know where she bought it, with the stipulation that it cost under $10,000 … It turns out she had bought the dress on clearance for something like $10. When she explained this, the parent just laughed like it was a joke, saying “No really, how much was it.” Never seen someone thaaat out of touch.” –u/_Decal08_

Come Again?

Pittsburgh, USA     September 9, 2022
Walmart in a Pittsburgh suburb.

“One of my favorite stories: We were gifted really nice seats to a March Madness game. Like, super expensive, we’d never be able to afford them (and probably wouldn’t purchase them even if we could). Halfway through the game, two teenage/young adult women show up, not paying attention to the game, just taking selfies and s**t.

One of them looks over and genuinely compliments my pants. With no filter, I responded, ‘Thanks, I got them at Walmart!’ The woman almost physically recoiled upon the realization that she’d just complimented me about Walmart pants.” –u/Charliegirl03

What’s Work?

happy people traveling in classic vintage car, couple during honeymoon

“Me and my sister were planning a weekend trip with our two cousins and one of them just could not understand how and why we couldn’t make the trip longer and couldn’t seem to understand the concept of taking time off work and that we can’t just not show up whenever we feel like it.” –u/SensitiveCycle1098

The Struggle Is Real, Huh?

Real estate agent businessman holding cash, deposit or commission on house and land sales, mortgage, lease, rent. Profitable Real Estate Investment Ideas And Cash Flow
Wasan Tita/istockphoto
Wasan Tita/istockphoto

“I was complaining about mortgage payments, and she said, ‘I know, I finally just took the money out of savings and paid mine off so I wouldn’t have to worry about it every month.'” –u/Frosty-Shower-7601

When They Take the Silver Spoon Out of Their Mouth …

Businessman giving money, US dollars, to his partner while making contract - loan, bribery and corruption concepts
Atstock Productions/istockphoto
Atstock Productions/istockphoto

“I overheard a girl (one of my wife’s cousins, whose dad is very, very wealthy) say, ‘Yeah, things got real rough for a bit there, I even had to pull money from my trust fund.’ I actually laughed out loud and she looked at me disapprovingly because I wasn’t in the convo.

This same girl gets an allowance (separate from the trust) of $6k per month. When she turned 21 she posted on Facebook, ‘Hooray everyone, I finally got a raise this week!’ Everyone was congratulating her on her hard work, which is funny because she doesn’t have a job, it just meant her monthly allowance increased because she got older.” –now deleted user

Gift Closets Are an Actual Thing

Happy father and son using digital tablet at home
FG Trade/istockphoto
FG Trade/istockphoto

“One time a client’s kid gave a coworker an iPad. Brand new, unopened box. My coworker was a little uncomfortable receiving such an expensive gift from a kid.

The kid just said, ‘Don’t worry, I just grabbed it out of the gift closet.’

We were confused, so we asked him what a gift closet is. Apparently, their family keeps a whole closet loaded with stuff like this: Apple Watches, cameras, iPads, etc so that whenever they need to give a gift, they always have something on hand.” –u/El_mochilero

Not That Kind of Dishwasher

Group Of Male College Students In Shared House Kitchen Washing Up And Hanging Out Together

“In college, I was washing a bowl in the sink and someone said, ‘That’s the weirdest thing about college for me, not having a dishwasher.’

I said, ‘Man, I didn’t have one until high school and it was s**t so it couldn’t clean pans.’

Him: ‘Oh, I meant like someone to wash the dishes for us…’

Me: ‘You’re joking, right?’

He was not joking, but I got invited to their upstate place for spring break so that was cool.” –now deleted user

Nannies Aren’t the Norm

Single mother by the stove with toddler on hip, stirring mushrooms, her older son is standing by

“My husband was on a business trip with some rich people in Hawaii. They asked why I didn’t come. He told them I was home with the kids. The guy says, ‘Well, couldn’t the nanny just stay with them?’

Nice enough guy, just out of touch for sure.” –u/Xceptionlcmonplcness

My, How the Tables Have Turned

Handsome men sitting in a car at car dealership.He is receiving key from his new car.

“Back when I worked in payroll a doctor yelled at me because his administrator didn’t process his bi-monthly incentive on time so it missed his check. He was supposed to go pick up his new Mercedes with that money (it was 6 figures) so he threw a fit to have a check cut that day. Two weeks later that same doctor did not approve a check to be cut for an hourly employee whose hours (2 weeks worth) didn’t get approved on time because it was only $1,000 and they wouldn’t miss it. I had to go above him to get it approved because I knew that employee would definitely be negatively impacted by not being paid on time.” –u/jtuley77

I Hadn’t Noticed!

Close-up Of A Businessman's Hand Giving Cheque To Colleague Over Wooden Desk

“2008, Great Recession: My job was cut from full-time salary to hourly and then my hours were cut regularly. My boss, the business owner who was in the midst of a company-paid whole home remodel, handed me my paycheck and said ‘Wow, you don’t make s**t!’” –u/toomuchisjustenough

Cost Is Relative

Photo of flatmates are moving into a students dorm

“Why have roommates at all? I don’t think anyone I knew had roommates. Seems like too much trouble. Just spend the extra hundred on rent and live at peace.

-an 80 year old man.” –u/DarthDregan

Why Didn’t I Think of That?!

Depressed real estate agent sitting on grass in front of house for sale, outside

“‘Why don’t you just buy a house? It’s going to be cheaper than paying rent.’ Thanks. Just let me find the down payment that I don’t have yet.” –u/testthrowawayzz

Catch Flights, Not Feelings

Young woman relaxing in wicker hammock on the sandy beach on Mauritius coast and enjoying sunset light over Indian ocean waves. Exotic countries vacation and mental health concept image.

“‘Oh you get seasonal depression? Why don’t you just go to the Caribbean for a week and the Mediterranean the next? It always helps me.'” –u/spicyhooligan

How Thoughtful

A young Asian man kissing his wife’s hand inside a private jet.

“‘My girlfriend said she was scared of flying, so I rented a private jet and turned out she loved it!'” –u/cjsweet1

Rachel Schneider

Rachel is a Michigan-based writer with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing and English. Throughout her career, she has dabbled in a variety of subject matter from finance and higher education to lifestyle pieces and food writing. She also enjoys writing stories based on social media trends. Find her on Instagram @rachel.schneider922