13 Vintage Ads That Truly Represent the 1960s

Advertising in the 1960s was bold, colorful, text-heavy, and often completely unfiltered by today’s standards. From convincing housewives that a new kitchen appliance would solve all their problems to using groovy typography to entice the masses, these ads were as much a reflection of the era as they were a sales pitch. Here are some of the most eye-catching ads we found from the 1960s.
1. Aladdin Lunch Kit (1960)

u/AidaNYR via Reddit.com
2. Frigidaire (1961)

r/vintageads via reddit.com
3. Kool-Aid (1962)

u/Tony_Tanna78 via Reddit.com
4. Skippy Peanut Butter and Hellmann’s Mayonnaise (1963)

u/Lepke2011 via Reddit.com
5. Burger King Whopper (1963)

r/vintageads via Reddit.com
6. Plymouth Fury (1964)

r/vintageads via Reddit.com
7. Encyclopedia Britannica (1965)

u/Tony_Tanna78 via Reddit.com
8. Jell-O (1965)

u/Ebonystealth via Reddit.com
9. Tupperware (1966)

r/vintageads via Reddit.com
10. Kohler Faucets (1967)

u/morganmonroe81 via Reddit.com
11. Schweppes (1967)

u/Djf47021 via Reddit.com
12. Hot Wheels (1968)

u/robbjuteau via Reddit.com
13. Sylvania TV (1969)

u/AxlCobainVedder via Reddit.com