12 Surprising Places To Find Valuable Vintage Collectibles in Your Home

Self-proclaimed collectors generally keep close tabs on their collections, whether that means storing baseball cards in a labeled binder or displaying vintage Depression glass neatly on a shelf. But what if you don’t even know whether you own any in-demand heirlooms? A deep dive into various parts of your home might result in some incredibly valuable finds.
Comb through your kitchen cabinets, linen closet, and other unsuspecting spots that just might be housing hidden collectibles.
1. Toy Chest

Even if the days of having little ones running around your home are long gone, an old toy chest may uncover some high-priced collectors items. Take a look inside for vintage toys like Polly Pockets, G.I. Joes, or Cabbage Patch Kid dolls. You may also find valuable board games tucked away in there.
2. Bookshelves

Not all books are valuable, but limited-edition or signed copies of specific books can be worth thousands. From certain Little Golden books to rare romance novels, there could be a diamond-in-the-rough hiding among your shelves.
3. Garage

The garage, of course, is a goldmine for valuable antiques — if you know what you’re looking for. Scour the shelves for antique tools, duck decoys, and other long-forgotten items you may have tossed in a corner years ago.
4. Kitchen Cabinets

From cast iron skillets to vintage Pyrex bowls, there are plenty of sturdy kitchenware items that could bring in top dollar. If you find something of value that requires electricity, make sure it’s working (and clean!) before listing it for sale.
5. Under the Bed

It’s not just monsters that live under the bed. Valuable vintage and antique treasures could be hiding under there, too, including trading cards and old figurines stored away.
6. Closet

In addition to designer clothes that might be hanging in your closet, designer purses — like vintage Coach bags — are in high demand. Your forgotten clutch could be worth a sizable sum.
7. Attic

From luxury suitcases to expertly-made furniture, there’s no shortage of potential valuables that could be sitting in your attic.
8. Medicine Cabinet

You can keep the old pill canisters and used makeup for yourself. But if you have any vintage perfume bottles hanging out in your medicine cabinet, it’s worth seeing if they’re valuable.
9. Jewelry Box

This is an obvious one, but gold and silver jewelry is always going to be worth something. If you own real pearls and jewels as well, your jewelry box might be a boon for collectors.
10. Desk Drawer

What valuable vintage collectibles could be inside your desk drawer, you ask? How about old stamps, luxe fountain pens, and vintage typewriters? (To be fair, the typewriter is probably on top of your desk and not inside it.)
11. Behind the Couch

There are a lot of things that could be hiding between the back of your couch and the wall — or even between couch cushions. Keep an eye out for old coins, stray holiday ornaments, or cassette tapes that may have been misplaced.
12. Linen Closet

Antique or historical quilts have scored big money at auctions, so take a closer look at what you’ve got stored away in your linen closet.