What are the Essential Elements to Build Wealth

Money growing on trees

At some point in our lives, we come to realize the value of our personal wealth. We look at the tremendous assets of millionaire and how they lead completely different lives than ordinary people. Whatever your drive is behind building wealth, we can all agree that having a secured financial life makes things easier. However, wealth building doesn’t happen overnight.

Building wealth requires skills, sacrifices, and long hours of self-education. Wealth building is not a linear path. There are a lot of different strategies and tactics from different successful people on how to accumulate wealth. But laying down its foundations can help you formulate a wealth plan that will benefit you in the long run.

To start off, you have to be knowledgeable and master the essential elements to build wealth.

What are the Essential Elements to Build Wealth

What makes a person wealthy and successful?

Regardless of how they reached the top of the financial spectrum, all wealthy people possess or thrive to embody the essential elements of wealth building. 

Below are the qualities that you must have too if you want to achieve wealth and success. 

Wealth Mindset

Wealth building wouldn’t ever come to fruition without having a wealth mindset. The right ways of thinking can get you a long way with naturally attracting abundance. Also, whatever strategies or tactics you adopt, it is improbable to succeed without committing to a wealth mindset.

Mindset is a critical element of long-term wealth. Hence, the first thing that you should do is to develop and align your thinking towards abundance. You have to be able to tweak your habits accordingly in a way that will help you reach your goals.

A Highly Marketable Skill

Having a highly marketable skill is one of the essential elements to build wealth. It keeps you a valuable asset to your company or your business partners/investors. Moreover, as long as you have a skill that’s in demand and of high value, you can survive in any niche. It doesn’t only allow you to be flexible, but it also prepares you for any financial risk.

Don’t be afraid to invest in knowledge and skills because it is your most significant stepping stone towards success. Nowadays, you can quickly learn skills from online training and courses on platforms such as Udemy or Coursera. You can learn how to do online marketing, launch an online business, and other essential business skills.

Through these platforms, you can also discover other channels of business where you can market yourself.



One of the best but overlooked elements of wealth building is saving. Yes, simply saving. 

To accumulate wealth, you have to see the importance of saving. You can’t skip it when you want to, and you shouldn’t look at it as an optional thing. You have to make it an active habit in your life.

Automating savings into your savings account every month can go a long way. You automatically deduct a portion of your payslip every month, and it starts to accumulate. 

Since it’s automatic and you don’t have to think about it every month, it’s a no-effort way of initial building of wealth.

Smart Cash Flow

Your cash flow is the cash that flows in and out of your accounts. It is one of the most significant elements and foundations for wealth building. Since we’re talking about money, you have to always be aware of where you’re putting and not putting your money.

By tracking your cash flow, you will be able to have a basis for evaluation and prioritizing. If you don’t know where your money is going, you will get nowhere in your wealth-building. Your cash flow allows you to sustain your income and formulate a vision on your future spending.

Evaluate your bank accounts and credit card statements to understand your spending wisely. From there, you can start curbing and tweaking your spending. You can easily download apps and software like spreadsheets to track your accounts’ cash flow every month.


Of course, you have to keep growing your money when you’re on the path of building wealth. You can’t let your money sit in bank accounts that don’t actually grow if you look at it closely. If that’s the case, then you’re in for a painstaking failure.

Find a way to grow your money long-term. You can make a lot of money by jumping on the right investment opportunity. Invest in assets and take calculated risk within your means. Always keep in mind the formula of ‘low-risk, high-return investment’.

You should begin by using compound interest to your advantage. Furthermore, to ensure a successful investment, make sure to invest with experts in the sector that you chose. Always choose those people who have a track record of success.


Once you make an investment, the element of diversification will come into play. Your income should not only come from one primary source. By diversifying across different asset types, such as equities, bonds, etc., you leave no room for the vulnerability of under-performing. This way, you don’t box potential positive income returns in only a single area or sector.

Keep in mind that you have to choose a tax-efficient structure if you’re diversifying your investments. You have to make a sound investment approach that will blend different fund sources while minimizing tax expenses.

This money can come from different places. You can invest in stocks, get into real estate, or invest in income-generating businesses. Make use of your skills and utilize your resources smartly. It doesn’t have to be tons of money instantly, even a few bucks a month can make a vast difference.

Prioritizing Your Budget


To live a life of wealth, you have to budget as if your life depends on it. How you budget is one of the most significant elements in building wealth. 

Your lifestyle is the primary factor in the status of your wealth. If you’re an extravagant spender, it is unlikely for you to build wealth in a significant time. You have to commit and be clear about your priorities when you’re still building your wealth.

We’re not saying that you shouldn’t spend for yourself at all, but you have to be mindful. If you haven’t reached your goal yet and you’re already acting like a millionaire, it can lead to your downfall. Learn how to balance your spending. Planning your budget and assigning every dollar to a specific purpose can allow you to track your money. 

Your budget should include all things from your housing, food, clothing, savings, and other bills.

Start by thinking of your money as a tool for your success. Just shifting the way you see money can empower you in your decisions. Decide if you want to use your money to buy the latest iPhone model or to allocate it for your retirement savings. It’s all your conscious choice.

High Credit Score

An excellent credit score is essential when loaning and minimizing the interest that you have to pay. A good credit score also lowers insurance costs. It will allow you to avoid debts and avoid paying high amounts of interest.

A lot of people often overlook this because we often associate the term with consumer debt. However, a great credit score can save you money and hassle in situations where you need to borrow money. After all, in most cases, you have to rely on loans for some time to build up a long-term wealth.

Health Insurance and Emergency Fund

Accidents happen, and we cannot foresee this. It may not happen today or even tomorrow—but it is going to happen. No amount of being careful can fight off an accident once it occurs. We can only do so much to battle against these situations.

Having an emergency fund and health insurance is a crucial element in wealth building that you can’t leave out. Where will you use your accumulated wealth if you’re on your deathbed? Having three to six months’ worth of emergency fund is a must before diversifying your investments. 

We’ve all heard of stories where one major health crisis becomes a complete set back financially. And this is hard to get back up from. Remember, health is always equivalent to wealth. Plus, the likelihood of needing medical care is doubled with age. Make sure to have medical insurance coverage for you and your family at all times.

Paid Off Mortgage


Imagine the possibilities of what you can achieve without having to pay a mortgage every month. An average millionaire lives in homes with paid-off mortgages.

Your housing is an essential element in building wealth. After all, isn’t it everyone’s dream to live in a fully-paid dream house at a certain age? It can also be an indicator that you’ve reached a certain level of wealth.

With a wholly paid house, you can build momentum and build your wealth faster without fearing mortgage payment. It gives you the assurance and security that you will not lose a roof in your head at any moment.

Risk Identification

Risk assessment is a crucial element in wealth building. Although the risk is inevitable in making investments, it doesn’t mean that you can’t make a calculated risk. 

Evaluating risks can give you a better chance of outperforming hits of inflation and producing high-income returns. Without an objective risk assessment in your portfolio, you can be stuck in a loop of problems and issues. 

Nowadays, there are accurate ways of mapping risk profiles that evaluate your overall finances while taking your goals into account. You have to be able to utilize these technologies to your advantage.

Finding a Mentor and Building a Network

When you’re building your wealth, you will inevitably associate yourself with other people. And as the saying goes, “You become who you spend the most time with.” And so, you have to be careful in choosing the network of people that you build.

You have to choose the people who are holding you to higher standards and are challenging you to do better. If you spend time with these people, you’ll adapt their perspectives, and your mindset will improve for the better. You can build your network through conferences, referrals, investment clubs, etc. 

Here, you can also find a mentor who will guide you step-by-step through your journey. You can ask them for tips and strategies that they’ve used and experienced in their own journey. Having a mentor who can teach you valuable learning is a great comfort, especially when you’re just starting out.

Building a network is an element that will increase your wealth and improve you as a person. Start surrounding yourself with people who think and act at an extraordinary level.

Winning Time Management

We all get the same amount of 24 hours a day. But what you do with it will determine the success that you want to attain. How you manage your time is an element of wealth-building that you can never get away from.

Even when you’ve already reached the level of wealth that you’re aiming for, time management still plays a significant role. The way to have winning time management is learning how to prioritize and balance your hours and minutes. 

Be clear on your goals for the day by listing down activities when you wake up in the morning. Focus on only one task before doing the next. 

An element that goes side-by-side with time management is discipline. Without discipline, you wouldn’t accomplish things as you want it to happen. Lack of self-discipline is a high hurdle in wealth-building; that’s why focusing on these elements is essential.

A Reliable Portfolio


Your portfolio is an essential element in building your wealth. Your profile can either make or break your success. With the fast-paced changes in the world, your original portfolio can suddenly become outdated. 

You need to review your portfolio at least once a year to ensure that it’s in line with your aims and circumstances. You may need to make certain adjustments to suit the current rise and fall of asset values. It can help control the risk and bring a positive effect on your performance.

Resilience to Change

In just a month, a lot of things can change in the market. Recessions can happen, as well as bear markets. Real estate can crash, inflation can happen, and the economy can completely shut down. And so, always prepare for change. You can’t let your guard down even if it appears that income is flowing steadily and generously.

To keep up with your goals, you have to be unprecedentedly resilient when it comes to change. Some changes can be beneficial, like the rise of stock markets and an increase in bonuses. But, other times, it can make your wealth plummet to the ground.

Having a backup plan from plan B to Z can let you get a hold of reality better. You have to pick up yourself when adverse change happens and keep yourself on the ground when the good does.

A Wealth Plan

Pay attention to your long-term vision. At the start of your journey to wealth building, you have to define what your visions are clearly. You have to consider these things in all the decisions that you make—you have to act on it.

If you listen to success stories, you’ll find that it’s essential to have a clear-cut vision and stick to it. It has worked for a lot of millionaires, and it can do the same wonders for you.

A wealth plan is an essential element that will guide you towards your wealth-building journey. You have to give it a lot of time and attention because it will serve as your blueprint for success. Make sure to back your plan with proven data in the market to make it more credible.

Moreover, see the bigger picture. Learn the trends in the market and how interest rates rise and fall. You have to educate yourself about these and have a vision of how it will perform as you go along.

Read, Read, Read

Most successful people arrived at their current state by continuously educating themselves. That’s why reading is an essential element in building wealth. It can either be by reading news articles, entrepreneurship magazines, success stories, investment books, etc. 

Reading inspires you like no other way; it gives you the ideas that lead to action. At any time and any age, learning never stops. By reading different business materials, you get to broaden your knowledge and become well-informed.

Break down the complex walls around success and reach the level of wealth and abundance you desire. Check out Millionaire Success Habits: The Gateway to Wealth and Prosperity by Dean Graziosi.

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While there is no one size fits all solution to building wealth. These essential elements are the cornerstones and foundation that can help you get started. Applying these things in the right way can help you meet your goals and unique needs. Remember, it all begins with a wealth mindset. Having a clear vision of how you want to accomplish your goals can help you build wealth in no time.

C. James

C. James is the managing editor at Wealth Gang. He has a degree in finance and a passion for creating passive income streams and wealth management.