16 Habits That Immediately Reveal Someone Grew Up in a Wealthy Family

If you grew up poor, there are typically some tell-tale signs. Maybe you ate Kraft Singles as snacks, folding them in half and biting a hole out of the middle to create a “cheese donut.” Rich folks, on the other hand, display very different (and revealing) signs indicative of their financial status growing up.
We sifted through Reddit to call out some of the surefire signs someone grew up in a wealthy family.
1. Open-Ended Vacations

“Recently had a patient that went on a holiday with his rich dad. When I called him and asked when his return flight is he responded with ‘we don’t have one yet, we left and buy a return ticket when we feel like it’. That is like the most rich person thing anyone has ever said to me.” –u/bmuffle
2. Everything Is Replaceable

“When they say: why don’t you just buy a new one? When something expensive broke for example.” –u/Silvershadef
3. We Need One of Those

“I asked my brother-in-law what he did when he wanted to put gas in the car when he was 16, 17 years old and he said, “I would just get some cash from the money cabinet.” –u/atlantachicago
4. A Drop in the Bucket

“My ex-boyfriend was confused why I didn’t own a car. I said it was too expensive. He said, ‘Come on, they are only 80 grand.’
His first car was a Lexus.” –u/tokyoevenings
5. What’s Paycheck to Paycheck?

“Being baffled by people struggling to pay bills or afford anything.” –u/Intrepid-Focus8198
6. That’s an Interesting Definition of ‘Cheap’

“My recent favorite:
‘I travel cheap by booking plane tickets without any baggage and then I just buy a suitcase and all the clothes I need at my destination.’
HUUUUUUUUH?” –u/paqura
7. Some of Us Prefer Going Dutch

“When they really don’t care who picks up the bill but expect that someone will do it to just not have to bother with separate bills. And they don’t realize that it’s a significant sum of money to anyone.” –u/Ghargamel
8. Payback Shmayback

“When it doesn’t occur to them to pay you back expenses you’ve made on their behalf. Like tickets, cab rides, etc. In my experience, they’re not taking advantage AT ALL. It’s just that amount is so insignificant to them they’d never dream of asking for it back, so it never occurs to them to offer it.” –u/sanddancer08
9. Perspective Is Everything

“My mother was from a wealthy family. One night when my sister was asking my father about the Great Depression (cardboard in the shoes, eating a potato every couple of days, etc.), she turned to my mother and asked her what she remembered about the Great Depression. My mother responded that it was ‘awful;’ sometimes the maid had to wait in line to buy sugar. When FDR encouraged Americans to start growing backyard gardens, she said it made their gardener mad to be planting vegetables instead of flowers.” –u/Brimish
10. Reckless Behavior

“No case on their new iPhone.” –u/hhoneone
11. Says the Person With Plenty of Money!

“When someone tells you, ‘You don’t need money,’ or, ‘Money doesn’t buy happiness.'” –u/ArthurCDoyle
12. Where Do You Summer?

“Using ‘summer’ as a verb.” –u/Buffyoh
13. Ever Heard of a Hamper?

“My friend would come over to our house as a kid and throw away her socks after wearing them only once. My mom would take them out of the trash and give them to me to wear. I was always embarrassed to wear her thrown-away socks but ultimately gave in because they were comfy and nice. My friend never noticed. Her family was very wealthy.” –u/Aware-Grocery3612
14. ‘I Mean, It’s One Banana, Michael. What Could It Cost? $10?’

“Having no idea what the price of basic essentials are.” –u/Intrepid-Focus8198
15. Try Telling Them You Don’t Even Have a Passport

“When they are truly flabbergasted you haven’t traveled the world by the age of 25.” –now deleted user
16. No Budget Needed

“They go shopping without looking at prices.” –u/OkConfidence8271