15 Over-the-Top Gifts That Rich People Are Buying for Themselves

Sometimes you just need to treat yourself. For the average person, that looks like splurging on a fancier drink at Starbucks or getting a new outfit. For rich folks, on the other hand, the budget has a bit more bulge to it.
One Reddit user who was about to liquidate their business asked what they should buy to celebrate the accomplishment — and the suggestions were incredibly lavish. From yachts to flashy gadgets, here are 15 things only the richest people can gift themselves.
1. A Yacht Day With Friends on the Mediterranean

“Rent a yacht in the Mediterranean and invite your friends and family to join. Would be an incredible experience and memory for everyone.” – u/Mental_Ad5218
2. Handmade Time Bike

“Get a Time bike. Custom, hand-made carbon bike. You set up an appointment, travel to the factory in Italy, and they hand measure. About 20-30k, but with traveling expenses, it’ll be near 50k. It’s both an experience and tangible thing that will also make you fit and last as long as you want it to.” – u/rabguy1234
3. A Commissioned Work of Art

“Find an artist you are crazy about and commission a piece. A friend of mine bought a 30k watch for the same reason as you. It sits in a drawer 99.99%. A beautiful painting or sculpture is something you can enjoy every day. And it is one of a kind. A collaboration between you and the artist.” – u/NoodleWankers
4. Single Engine Plane With Flying Lessons

“A single-engine plane and some flight lessons.” –u/Virtual_Bug5486
Emphasis on the “flight lessons,” because there’s no need to get (literally) reckless with your spending.
5. A Lavish Vacation

“Travel, lavishly, for a couple of weeks.” – u/FxHorizonTrading
“… and then create a cheesy photo album that you can look at to think of your accomplishments (and remember the travels).” – u/Zealousideal_Play259
6. Scholarships in Their Name

“Create a scholarship in your name at a state college for students in need who meet merit criteria.” – u/slowpokesardine
7. A Flashy Watch

“A watch. Buy one that you really like. Patek, AP, Rolex, Vacheron, Omega, Richard Mille, Cartier, etc. I use watches to mark life milestones and it’s a plus that they retain value better than most other things.” – u/floating_air
8. Human Touch Massage Chair

“Pick up a Human Touch massage chair from Costco. We have one and love it.” – u/ppith
9. An Expensive Sauna or Ice Plunge

“High-end sauna or ice plunge.” – u/Forcelite
Sweat or shiver your way through luxurious self-care.
10. Helicopter and Helicopter School

“Helicopter and helicopter school?” – u/boneshow69420
If the single-engine plane thing isn’t your jam, a helicopter may do it for you instead. Again, though, pay to educate yourself, too.
11. A Fancy Sports Car

Plenty of Redditors suggest getting a flashy sports car, or … “a fully restored classic car where the work is done for you would be amazing too.” – u/Electronic_City6481
12. Electric Motorcycle

“A really nice electric bike or electric motorcycle if that’s your thing and don’t mind the risk (Zero motorcycles or specialized e-bikes are a good place to start).” – u/00769
13. A Whole Slew of Services

“Fashion makeover, personal trainer, and personal chef for a year, hear me out.
For 9 years you probably have been focused externally while ignoring the self. A closet full of clothes related to presenting a business image, diet, and exercise may not have been the priority while building the business.
A car, boat, and watch are things you will see once but yourself in the mirror and the clothes you wear on a daily basis will remind you of your success at business and now a better-looking you. A good trainer will work with you on a meal plan to get you fit, the chef will provide the meals and the clothes will need to get adjusted as your body improves and you change into the next phase of your life.” – u/ColorofCash
14. Overseas Art

“Travel somewhere, enjoy your trip, pick up some art and have it shipped home.” – u/kittycatsfoilhats
15. A Gold Bar

“A KG gold bar?” – u/jaynyc1122
Or, if you’re trying to have fun with it, “Convert it all into gold doubloons and bury it in a chest on a deserted island. Then alert the news media as to what you’ve done and enjoy your new status of King of Pirates.” – u/Friendly-Figment