19 Rich People Problems That Sound Completely Ridiculous

You’ve heard of first-world problems (“OMG, the internet is so slow today!”). Compared to serious issues like famine or disease, these aren’t actually problems at all. And then there are rich people problems, which will make you roll your eyes as soon as you hear them. We’re talking, “Boo hoo, my Bentley is in the shop so I have to take my Escalade to brunch with friends on a Tuesday while the rest of society works for a living.” We scoured Reddit to find some of the most ridiculous things that plague the wealthy.
1. Having To Buy Property in Another Country

“I have a friend who complained they had to buy a property in a different country to be able to save tons of money on inheritance taxes.” – u/Blue-eyes-beth
2. Not Being Able to Take As Many Vacations As They Want

“Not being able to do all the vacations they had planned. I met a girl who was about 21 who said she’d been on over a dozen cruises already in her life. Here I am, will have to work my a** off my whole life just to ‘get by’ and will probably never experience what it’s like to go on even a single vacation.” – u/Realfourlife
3. Their House Is Too Big To Clean

“…my house is just too big to keep tidy…” – u/ewokc
We all complain about keeping the house tidy, but it sounds a little sillier when you have or can afford a housekeeper.
4. Flying Business Class

“Forced to fly business class on a scheduled airline; private jet is in for an inspection.” – u/Gfreeh
5. Having To Send Out for Luxury Watch Maintenance

“It’s annoying to have to pay $1,000 to send your Rolex to another city for maintenance every five years.” – u/Sum_Ting_Huang
6. The Snow Quality at a Ski Resort

“That the snow quality at St. Moritz was worse this season comparatively to last year, making the skiing experience second tier.” – u/LesserThanProfessor
7. Parking Spots for Their Private Jets

“Lack of parking spots or slots for the private plane. It’s a big issue in zone airports/areas.” – u/hecho2
8. Making a Stop in Their Private Jets Just To Refuel

“Having to make a refueling stop on their private jet.” – u/WabiSabi0912
Talk about an inconvenience.
9. How Exhausting It Is To Have Two Houses

“My in-laws own two houses; half the week, they’re at one house, and the other half of the week, they’re at the other. It gets ‘tiresome’ to have two homes. But they’d never sell one of course.” – u/Background-Angle2429
Perhaps it’d be stressful if you didn’t have a housekeeper at both places, but something tells us that’s not the case.
10. Not Being Able To Get a Specific Suite in a Fancy Hotel

“The Grace Kelly Suite at the Ritz Carlton Geneva is booked ALL summer long. All I could get was a standard room without ANY Diptyque toiletries, including the personalized Lily of the Valley fragrance that Grace Kelly herself wore. I guess we’ll have to slum it this year.” – u/MsSibylline
11. Not Being Able To Get Their Luxury Sports Car in a Certain Color

“‘I wanted a different color Ferrari (or insert expensive car brand/type here)!’ says probably a lot of spoiled rich daddy’s girls.” – u/imaginechi_reborn
12. Having To Pay Their Employees

“Having to pay employees?” – u/hidelight001
You obviously can’t maintain your “rich person” status by giving all your money away to other people. *eye roll* We’re always amazed at how the wealthy seem so stingy when it comes to appropriately compensating their employees.
13. The Cost of Private School

“High cost of elite private education.” – u/D-Rez
Here’s a thought: Slum it with the common folks at public school. Then you won’t have to pay so much for your fancy private education.
14. The Way Their Housekeeper Cleans

“Cleaning ladies missing a spot.” – u/my_metrocard
No one likes a “you missed a spot” person. The “do it yourself then” retort is beyond tempting.
15. Custom Yacht Problems

“Can you believe that I had to wait a whole month for my custom plane/yacht?” – u/You_are_MrDebby
16. How Everyone Is After Their Money

“Being too rich and how people don’t want to be friends with you anymore for who you are, but are only after your money.” – u/Dopral
17. Bank Account Limits

“The limit on federally insured bank accounts.” – u/mtwstr
Whining that you can only have $250,000 in your bank account while other people only dream of that balance screams “Rich People Problems.”
18. It’s Not Enough!

“Not having enough of something they have a lot of.
And I noticed rich people complain about not having enough money most of the time.” – u/milgzx0
19. Everything Under the Sun

“They had to spend tens of thousands of dollars to get one of their 10 yachts repaired.
They can’t afford to go to Bora Bora this year and will have to ‘settle’ for Disney World instead.
Their personal chef was sick, so they had to cook dinner themselves.
Their third trophy wife is starting to get a bit long in the tooth.
They had to sell one of their vacation homes.
One of their stocks isn’t doing too well.” – u/coffeeblossom
Guess what? You’re still rich.