15 Things That Used To Be Affordable But Are Now Reserved for the Rich

Entrance to Walt Disney World with a blue and gold sign reading "The Most Magical Place on Earth." The sign features images of Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. Palm trees and flags line the road, and there's a clear blue sky above.

Forget about the price of eggs — everything seems incredibly expensive these days. So when a Redditor posed the question, “What was affordable 50 years ago that now only the rich can buy?,” users flooded the thread with answers.

The most popular answer was, of course, housing. And what one person might deem “expensive,” another might see as fairly priced. But we pulled together a handful of items that have undoubtedly turned into a luxury in the past few decades, from summer camp and ski vacations to caviar and lobster.

1. A Ski Vacation

Ski lift

“Skiing was never for the poor, but god d**n it’s expensive now.” – u/malevolentarcher123

“Depending on planning, you could fly from the US to France to ski for a few days and it would be cheaper than keeping it domestic.” – u/[deleted]

2. Higher Education

Person in College or Graduate School
Joyce Diva/istockphoto
Joyce Diva/istockphoto

“College tuition, especially out-of-state tuition.” – u/MichiganMainer

3. A Summer House

Summer home

“A house” was arguably the most popular answer to this thread’s question, but we found this specific answer — “a summer house” —a little more interesting.

“I know many families that have an old house on a lake that they go to in the summers. It’s been passed down for a couple generations. Nobody in the current generation could afford one but some how a family with a single income bought it 50 years ago and the man’s wife and wife and kids would spend the whole summer there and he would go up on weekends.” – u/spidereater

4. Caviar

A festive table setting with a dish of caviar on ice in the foreground and champagne glasses, glowing lights, and sparklers in the blurred background. The scene suggests a celebration or special occasion.

“Caviar used to be affordable when wild caught was allowed but overfishing starting in the late 1800s reduced the populations of wild sturgeon to almost nothing.

Now all caviar is farmed which is very time and labor intensive because it can take decades for a sturgeon to be ready to harvest.” – u/poillord

5. Natural Fiber Clothing

Folded laundry

“Feels impossible to find anything affordable that has mostly cotton.” – u/l_ally

“100% wool coats don’t exist except in high end retailers, at least where I live.” – u/gepinniw

6. Concert Tickets

Outdoor concert

“I dug out a ticket stub to a Weezer show from ’97 (Pinkerton tour, around the height of their popularity)… $28 for floor tickets, fees included.

I just bought tickets to seem them in May (Blue Album reply, definitely not at the height of their popularity)… $120 for nosebleed seats + $45 fees.

I’m paying 490% more to see them play the same songs I heard them play 27 years ago, for worse seats.” – u/fulthrottlejazzhands

7. Disney

Disney logo on store window

Both Disneyland and Disney World cost a pretty penny today, especially once everything is tallied up.

“I don’t think that it’s the price of the ticket that makes it unaffordable. Even at $150 it’s still accessible to most. It’s the price of everything else that makes it unaffordable. Parking, food, travel, time off work, and pretty much all basic needs have gone up in cost too much to make it affordable.” – u/JJiggy13

8. Lobster

Lobster claws

“Much of the old cheap lobster was canned, bits of shell and all, and sold similar to canned tuna. These days, lobsters are harder to catch due to overfishing, have to be transported while alive, and need to be cooked specially. The lobster you’d eat 200 years ago was not prepared as fancily as lobster today.” – u/Romanticon

9. Kids

Four children are gathered around a table in a library, looking at open books. They appear engaged and are smiling. The background is filled with bookshelves, and the library setting is bright and colorful.

“Sounds messed up, but having kids is already expensive. If you go IVF, adoption, or surrogacy route, that is major $$$ only rich people can afford.” – u/No-Performer-6621

10. Horses

Young girl combing the mane of horse
Vilin Visuals/istockphoto
Vilin Visuals/istockphoto

“In the old days the poor had horses the rich had cars, now everyone has cars and the rich have the horses.” – u/biztravellerUK

11. Major Sporting Events

Arizona-2023 Super Bowl LVII Stadium in Glendale Sportsman's Park

“A ticket to the Super Bowl.” – u/Wolfman1961

Super Bowl ticket prices are obscene, with an average price of over $12,000 in 2024.

12. Single Engine Airplanes

Planes powered by propeller engines

“Single engine aircraft use to be surprisingly affordable. Almost every ranch here in the middle of nowhere had one for parts/grocery trips to town in the 50s and 60s.” – u/bn_freak

13. A Small Farm

The sunset view of the countryside Gippsland in regional Victoria
Gavin Guan/istockphoto
Gavin Guan/istockphoto

“Certainly not cheap, but with a some saving, a middle-class person used to be able to afford one. Now, enough acreage to really do much other than garden and run a few chickens is too expensive for the average middle-class person.” – u/amishcatholic

14. Summer Camp

A child wearing a white helmet and yellow safety vest crawls through a colorful wooden tube in an adventure park. The structure is elevated among trees, and safety ropes are attached to their harness.
EyeEm Mobile GmbH/istockphoto
EyeEm Mobile GmbH/istockphoto

“I grew up lower class in a high cost of living city yet my parents always sent me away for summer camp and I had music, dance, art or tutoring after school. Now we are somewhat middle class and we can’t afford a decent summer camp after all the life expenses.” – u/ElectricPapaya9

15. Sports Cars

New York City, USA - August 09, 2023: Ferrari SF90 Stradale supercar sports car in showroom, low corner view.

“In the ’60s, if you wanted a Shelby GT500, you could save your pennies with any normal decent job and obtain one relatively fast with reasonable planning. That’s a pipe dream in the current economy.” – u/CB-Style

Erin Kuschner

Erin Kuschner has spent the past decade as a writer and editor for both digital and print publications. Prior to joining Wealth Gang, she was a reporter and editor at Boston.com, Time Out Austin, and Time Out Los Angeles, and has written for the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, Eater, and other publications.