15 Signs That Your Friend Might Be Secretly Wealthy

Signs That Your Friend Might Be Secretly Wealthy
Wealth Gang / PeopleImages/istockphoto / mapodile/istockphoto

We’ve all seen it in movies — the discreet family friend or quirky aunt who acts super low-key and never flaunts their wealth. But while they might seem modest (or even stingy) on the surface, there are often subtle hints that reveal their hidden affluence. From indulging in expensive hobbies to owning multiple properties, here are 15 signs that your friend might be harboring a secret fortune.

1. They Have Expensive Hobbies

Young man discussing modern art with young woman during exhibition in gallery

Said friend might engage in hobbies that require a significant financial investment, such as collecting rare art, flying planes, or sailing. These activities are not only costly to maintain but also demand knowledge and expertise, which can signal a deeper level of commitment and, you guessed it, money. If they regularly talk about their latest fine art acquisition or weekend sailing trip, it may point to a hidden fortune.

“My partner’s parents are loaded beyond all belief, but they’re extremely modest and low-key,” writes one Redditor, adding, “They have their tells though: real art pieces from impressionist and modernist masters in their house(s).” Ah, there it is.

2. They Work as a Choice

12 hour work week

If your friend works in a job they’re passionate about but doesn’t seem too concerned about income, it could indicate financial security. People with hidden wealth often choose work for fulfillment rather than a financial need. They may also take long vacations or even turn down promotions, which are luxuries most people cannot afford. Their relaxed attitude toward their career may suggest they’re not dependent on a paycheck to sustain their hobbies and lifestyle.

“[If] they seem to treat their day job more like a hobby,” writes one Redditor, that’s likely a sign that the “bulk of the income is passive.”

3. They Spend Money To Save Time

carles miro/istockphoto

Since “time is money,” wealthy individuals often prioritize their time over everything else. Your friend might frequently hire personal assistants and chefs, use delivery services, or pay for expedited services to free up their schedule. This behavior indicates that they value convenience and are willing to spend extra to avoid inconvenience. It’s a subtle — but significant — sign of financial freedom.

“There are no considerations going on in the minds [of rich people],” notes another Reddit user, adding, “With a keen eye you can see this in their attention, their mannerisms, their lack of certain stresses.” Must be nice.

4. They Are Always Flying Private or First Class

First class flight

Frequent first-class travel or flying private is a hallmark of someone with financial means. If your friend often mentions flying first class or chartering flights for trips, it’s an indication they have the money to spare. This is especially telling if they never mention cost as a factor in their travel decisions. The comfort and convenience of such travel options point to deeper pockets. This also applies to driving, as the ultra wealthy tend to have chauffeurs to drive them around.

“Pretty much nothing they do or own is ‘retail,’ meaning things you or I could go and buy,” writes one Redditor. “The very wealthy do not rent cars from places like Enterprise, they have privately hired drivers or hired cars if they want to drive themselves. They [also] only fly private.”

5. They Own Multiple Properties

Shutthiphong Chandaeng/istockphoto

Struggling to buy a house? The wealthy have done it multiple times over, often owning more than one home or investment property. If your friend casually mentions their vacation home or a rental property they own, you can bank on them having money to spare. If they treat these properties as just another part of life, it’s likely they’re financially comfortable and can afford to blow money on trivial expenses. Real estate investments often reflect long-term wealth but also require substantial upfront capital and ongoing maintenance.

One Redditor shares how he was chatting with an older man in Munich once who had “dirty boots and a scruffy dog.” After he left, the restaurant owner revealed that said man “owned two city blocks” surrounding the restaurant. “The only reason he didn’t own the block we were in was because the church owned it and wasn’t selling,” added the user. Well, damn.

6. High Quality Wardrobe With Discreet Luxury Brands


Oftentimes, wealthier individuals avoid flashy designer logos but still wear clothing made by high-end, understated brands. Your friend’s outfits might look simple but are made of high-quality materials from luxury labels like Brunello Cucinelli or Loro Piana. These brands focus on craftsmanship rather than status symbols, which wealthy individuals often prefer. But don’t be fooled: The lack of flashy logos doesn’t mean the clothes are inexpensive. It’s actually the opposite.

“No true wealthy person wears a Versace shirt with the word ‘Versace’ visible from 20 feet away, for example,” writes one user, adding, “[They don’t] talk about money and don’t show off money.” Another adds, “Versace and similar brands make those clothes with the giant labels for ‘the poors’ who they know will overspend in a bid to look rich.” Way to call us out!

7. They Are Not Bothered by Large Expenses


If your friend never hesitates to spend a small fortune on big-ticket items like luxury vacations, home renovations, or expensive gadgets, it’s a clear indicator of financial comfort. They also don’t flinch when unexpected expenses arise, such as medical bills or car repairs. This nonchalant attitude about significant expenditures likely points to a sizable financial cushion. They likely have savings or income streams that absorb these costs without much impact on their lifestyle, Redditors say.

“I have a friend I met two years ago. I’ve never seen him mention a job, school, nothing,” writes one user. “He has a 4-bedroom house in Los Angeles he bought last year and regularly makes BIG purchases without any cringing.”

8. They Are Generous With Others

Gins Wang/istockphoto

Wealthy individuals tend to have the means to be more generous. If your friend consistently picks up the tab, gives lavish gifts, or is always on some fancy vacation, it could be another sign of their wealth. They may also downplay their generosity as a small gesture or token of appreciation, but the frequency and scale of their giving are telling. Having that financial security allows them to share their wealth more freely and openly.

“You’re wealthy when you’re eating in an ‘expensive’ restaurant with multiple people. Someone picks up the tab, no one cares who picked it up, and no one feels the need to pay anyone back,” writes another user.

9. They Have Minimal Concerns About Debt

empty wallet

If your friend seems unconcerned about debts or loans, it could be a sign they have plenty of cash reserves. Wealthy individuals are more likely to pay off debts quickly or avoid them altogether. When discussing finances, they might mention having little to no mortgage or student loans, which signals financial freedom. They also typically won’t rely on credit and can make large purchases to enhance their financial security and set up their kids for the future.

“They don’t spend money on status symbols, but are completely price insensitive with opportunities and education for their children,” writes one Redditor, adding, “They teach their children how to ‘play the game’ from a very young age.”

10. They Act Understated


Another sign of hidden wealth is how low-key someone acts, especially when it comes to everyday items like wallets or purses. The ultra-wealthy often don’t carry credit cards, IDs, or even cash with them, as they frequent establishments where they are known and can just charge their expenses to an account. They may also rely on personal assistants or concierge services to handle purchases and deal with everyday errands like picking up dry cleaning or taking the car in for an oil change.

11. They Attend Exclusive Events and Parties


If your friend gets invited to high-end, exclusive events such as private concerts, galas, or VIP charity events, it could be a sign of their hidden wealth. These events often boast expensive tickets or require connections within elite social circles. Their ability to attend or throw these kinds of lavish parties suggests they’re in a different income bracket. Attending these events on the regular also highlights their ability to network and maintain relationships within affluent circles.

“[Rich people] flex in ways that other sophisticated rich people would understand,” writes one user. “Like being on the board of everyone’s favorite local non-profit. Now that’s a flex. [Or] throwing exclusive parties at a mansion with a full staff.”

12. They Are Involved in Philanthropy


Many wealthy folks participate in charitable organizations or foundations as a way to establish connections, leverage their financial resources for social causes, or to enhance their public image. If your friend sits on the board of a charity or frequently engages in fundraising, it may reflect their hidden wealth. Being able to give time and money to causes without worrying about one’s bank account means they likely have more than enough to share.

“My wife and I eat dinner with a family once a week,” writes one user. “Nice family, husband is a lawyer, humble house, nice neighborhood. I saw their names on a plaque at the local YMCA, and said ‘Oh, they’re low-key that kinda money.'”

13. They Can Be Out of Touch


Some rich folks, especially those who have lived in privilege for most of their lives, can sometimes be out of touch with the everyday struggles and financial hardships that normal people face. This can come across as rude or insensitive, and the lack of awareness over money-related challenges can lead to awkward or tone-deaf remarks. These comments, while often unintended, can create a divide that makes it difficult for others to feel understood or related to on a personal level.

According to one Redditor, their super wealthy friend, despite being generous, would make offhanded comments like, “I can get along with people like you.” Did she mean poor people by that? Yikes!

14. They Exude a Quiet Confidence


Wealthy people often carry themselves with a subtle, unspoken confidence, notes one Reddit user. They don’t feel the need to boast about their wealth or accomplishments, and their calm demeanor reflects a sense of stability. This quiet confidence is also evident in their composed reactions to situations that might cause stress or anxiety for others, such as large expenses or financial risks. It’s a subtle, yet telling, trait that distinguishes them from those who may feel the need to display their success.

“My wife and I aren’t wealthy, but we somehow fell in with those who have old money wisely invested,” writes the user. “They exude a quiet confidence [and] don’t have the latest or greatest of anything. They usually seem perfectly at home nurturing older cars along rather than running out to the auto dealer to get something new every couple of years.”

15. They Avoid Discussing Money


While many people express stress over finances, wealthy individuals rarely do. If your friend never complains about bills, financial pressures, or budgeting, they likely have the resources to avoid such stress. They might appear carefree about money in a way that suggests they don’t face the typical financial struggles others do. This calm attitude towards money matters can be a key indicator of hidden wealth. They may also flaunt their wealth in more discreet ways, notes one Redditor.

According to the user, they once asked their brother-in-law how much he had “splurged” on a watch, to which he replied: $30,000. “I thought an Apple Watch was a major splurge,” adds the user. We did, too. *cries in poverty*