Should You Sell Your Vehicle? Used Car Prices Are Skyrocketing For These 10 Models.

Ford Mustang being washed

If you were building a portfolio, you probably wouldn’t start with vehicles. It’s rare that cars—notorious for losing a fat chunk of value the second they leave the lot—appreciate as assets. But that’s suddenly the case for many used vehicles. Rental car companies are fighting to restore the fleets they sold off during the pandemic, and supply chain issues have choked the availability of new vehicles. That’s created a perfect storm for used car prices.

Some vehicles are appreciating much faster than others. Most notably, the models below have risen a staggering 40-50% in value over the past year.

Used Cars Gaining The Most Value

If your vehicle lands on the list below, it may be time to flip your car for a profit. Assuming, of course, you can replace it with something that isn’t also surging in price.

All percentage gains represent the change in average sale price from June 2020 until June 2021, according to data from

10. Chevrolet Spark

Average used car price in June 2021: $13,892 (+41%)

9. Ford Mustang

Average used car price in June 2021: $36,476 (+41%)

Ford Mustang parked.

8. GMC Sierra 1500

Average used car price in June 2021: $47,791 (+41%)

GMC truck in snow at the gas pump.

7. Audi A5

Average used car price in June 2021: $44,376 (+41%)

6. Lincoln Navigator

Average used car price in June 2021: $65,236 (+42%)

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5. Dodge Ram Pickup 1500

Average used car price in June 2021: $40,200 (+43%)

Dodge Ram 1500

4. Lincoln Navigator L

Average used car price in June 2021: $66,508 (+44%)

3. Chevrolet Camaro

Average used car price in June 2021: $36,163 (+46%)

Chevy Camaro in the woods.

2. Mercedes-Benz G-Class

Average used car price in June 2021: $158,835 (+46%)

Mercedes-Benz G Class in the light.

1. Nissan Leaf

Average used car price in June 2021: $20,015 (+48%)

The Used Car Price Surge

While these are the most extreme cases, according to data from, these vehicles are hardly alone. In all, used car prices in June increased an average 32.7% year-over-year. That’s an average price jump of $7,583 in 12 months, compared to most years when prices decrease or remain flat.

For more used car data, check out’s complete rankings.

Ryan Rabasa

Ryan Rabasa is an associate editor at Wealth Gang. His passions are technology, writing, business, and media. He won't trust an investment strategy that doesn't incorporate both technical and fundamental analysis.