12 Valuable G.I. Joes With Salute-Worthy Price Tags

From their humble beginnings in the 1960s to their modern-day status as pop culture icons, G.I. Joes have captured the hearts of collectors and action figure fans worldwide. But some of these vintage toys have gone from playroom heroes to auction house superstars, commanding jaw-dropping prices that reflect their rarity, history, and undeniable nostalgia. Here are the most expensive and valuable G.I. Joes we could find.
1. 1964 G.I. Joe Original Prototype

Sold for: $200,000
The first-ever G.I. Joe prototype kicked off an entire era of action figures. Selling for a jaw-dropping $200,000, this hand-crafted figure is as rare as they come. With wire-spring joints, a hand-painted head, and a hand-sewn uniform, plenty of care and creativity went into this piece. As a piece of toy history, this figure is highly collectible and (obviously) highly valuable to boot.
2. 1964 Navy G.I. Joe Prototype

Sold for: $27,600
Joe first got his sea legs in 1964 with this classic sailor prototype — a test run for the eventual standard Navy figure, complete with a sky-blue chambray shirt and navy-blue jeans. There are charming details you’d never see in the final version, like a tiny keyring and keys that were a bit too ambitious for mass production. Fun fact: This figure was given a subtle makeover, with carved cheeks and a repainted face to toughen him up a bit.
3. 1982 G.I. Joe Snake-Eyes Straight Arm Series

Sold for: $26,400
As the very first version of the legendary Snake Eyes figure, this particular G.I. Joe toy is the highest-graded one to exist. Tt sold for big bucks at auction, as most highly-graded things do.
4. 1967 Navy G.I. Joe Talking Figure

Sold for: $12,500
Any vintage toys that talk are worth some serious loot — that whole “put your money where your mouth is” mantra. This Navy G.I. Joe from the late ’60s was the first chatting Joey, so he’s one of the more collectible figures of the bunch. Plus, he has a pretty cool battle wound on his face adding to his rugged nature.
5. 1967 G.I. Nurse

Sold for: $8,750
Because male soldiers weren’t the only ones who were part of the battle, G.I. Joe introduced the G.I. Nurse “action girl,” who came with crutches, bandages, splints, a stethoscope, and other first-aid supplies so she could patch up all the battered Joes running around. One of the more rare and obscure figures, she sold for almost $9,000 at auction.
6. 1965 G.I. Joe Action Sailor Deep Sea Diver

Sold for: $7,813
Some battles were fought beneath, and this Joe was fully equipped to get deep down and dirty under the sea. Complete with a handful of tools, a buoy, and a scuba diving helmet, this vintage toy is sought-after by collectors.
7. 1964 G.I. Joe Prototype with First Navy Scuba Suit

Sold for: $6,613
G.I. Joes with scuba skills are more vast, varied, and valuable than you might think. There was even a 1964 prototype version that included a wetsuit which sold for nearly $7,000 at auction.
8. 1984 G.I. Joe – Cobra Storm Shadow

Sold for: $4,125
The ninja Joes can go for thousands at auction if you have the right version (high grading helps). This white Cobra Stormshadow figure was more advanced than the straight-armed Snake Eyes earlier on this round-up, because this guy has swivel arms and gripping capabilities, adding to his allure.
9. 1983 G.I. Joe Cobra Commander Series 2

Sold for: $4,080
The ’80s gave us so many cool smaller Joe figures, and the Cobra Commander dressed in blue is still a favorite among collectors, with swivel arms and hands that can grip his weapon.
10. 1966 G.I. Joe German Solider Figure

Sold for: $3,875
G.I. Joe had to be well-rounded and account for armed forces outside of the U.S. soldiers, and this original German soldier from 1966 was Joe’s foray into international forces. There’s an obvious intricacy that went into the details of this guy’s uniform that undoubtedly adds to his appeal and value.
11. 1966 G.I. Joe British Commando Set

Sold for: $2,500
Hasbro didn’t just roll out German forces in 1966, they also created British soldiers. Complete with weapons and a detailed uniform, this British Joe can go for thousands in good condition.
12. 1970 G.I. Joe Adventure Team Fantastic Freefall

Sold for: $2,250
As the years went on, Joe’s capabilities got more specialized. This 1970 Fantastic Free Fall G.I. Joe had everything he needed to jump out of an airplane. The commitment to combat is something Joe takes very seriously, so this one was absolutely necessary (and is now worth lots of money!).